
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

artikel jam tangan

Artikel seputar jam tangan Penulis :admin Aksesoris yang sering dikenakan oleh kaum perempuan dan lelaki adalah Jam tangan. Ada yang berpandangan bahwa jam tangan adalah lambang prestise. Apakah kamu memiliki jam tangan murah atau jam tangan branded? Mungkin kamu sering bertanya ke toko jam tangan bagaimana kualitas jam tangan tersebut. Bagaimanapun yang jelas jam tangan merupakan aksesoris tubuh. Berikut ini beberapa langkah untuk merawat jam tangan bagi kamu pemakai jam tangan, simak berikut ini. * Usahakan jam tangan selalu kering. Meski memiliki teknologi waterproof dan stainless stell, air yang terus menerus dibiarkan membasahi jam tangan akan memiliki efek merusak, bahkan mampu menimbulkan kar...

Apa Guna Jam Tangan di Era Handphone?Lebih CepatUntuk melihat waktu, jam tangan jelas masih lebih cepat dari handphone. Soalnya jam tangan itu tertempel di pergelangan tangan kamu dan handphone biasanya ada di kantong atau tas kamu. Coba deh cepet-cepetan, ngeliat jam di pergelangan tangan sama harus ngambil handphone di tas. Pasti masih cepetan ngeliat jam di pergelangan tangan kamu. Ngeliat jam di pergelangan tangan paling cuma makan waktu 1 detik. Lebih Gak RibetCoba bayangin kamu lagi di tempat yang rame banget, berdesak-desakan. Terus kamu harus liat jam. Coba lebih ribet mana: harus ngeluarin handphone dari tas/kantong atau tinggal liat di tangan kamu? Liat di tangan kamu dong pastinya. Selain itu ngeluarin handphone di tempat rame kan agak bahaya. Gimana kalo pas lagi ngeluarin...

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

jam Tangan Gues Fashion

 With more than 1,113 Guess and Guess Accessory retail stores all over the world, Guess is well known all over the world for its innovative style and excellent quality. In recent years, Guess has been increasingly racy and appealing to a younger market. In 2009, Guess has unveiled many series of fashionable ladies watches in memory of its 25th anniversary. One prominent feature is that a lot of modern elements have been added to design with the logo of Guess as its emphasis. The sexual design together with the emphasis on details have made the watches much more charming. All these styles are targeted at young women who are fond of adventures, and create a new image in the 21st century...

Modern Alroji

Due to the striking success on the Japan market, Tag Heuer decided to create a model, dedicated especially for his Japan clients, as the gratitude for their loyalty. New model is called Carrera Black and it will be released only in six hundred copies. Despite the fact that this model is created especially for Japan and will be available only there, everybody has the possibility to order it through Internet. But due to the limited edition you will have to place your order quicker. This Tag Heuer watch is a modification of the famous Carrera timepiece. Instead of usual black display here we can observe gorgeous nacre one. Now, the outlook of Tag Heuer watch previously regarded as classic has modern outlook and can be surely named one...

Alroji Modern Classy

Jam Tangan Arloji Wanita Jam Tangan Cantik Modern Classy Trendy Dan Unik Dari INVICTA Watches Model/Style Invicta Ladies Wildflower Shiny Gold Leather Strap Leather Watch 18k Gold-Plated Stainless Steel Watch In Shiny Gold Leather Strap Color Unique And Very Trendy Fashion Women’s Fashion Watch,Item conditon Brand NEW In Box With Tags, Brand New Collection From INVICTA Ladies Watches. Details :18k gold plated stainless steel case with screw-down case back 18k gold plated textured bezel White mother of pearl dial with gold-tone hands and black Arabic numerals Date display at the 3 o’clock position Shiny gold leather strap with buckle clasp Swiss parts quartz movement Flame-fusion crystal Push/pull crown with white crystal cabochon. Elegance has never been as easy as with the...

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